2012年7月7日 (土) ~16日 (祝)
阿部静, 阿部修二, 伊藤光治郎, 池田菜摘, 池田真弓, 上村由希, 梅野歩美, 江口舞悠, 江見高志, 押元一敏, 大村雅一, 加藤晋, 北村さゆり, 黒田理恵, 塩野圭子, 杉浦裕二, 杉本洋, 鈴木寿一, 鈴木ひろみ, 高橋朋子, 田島環, 辰巳寛, 楯とおる, 谷えり子, 土屋禮一, つちやゆみ, 中野滋, 長倉陽一, 長濵恭子, 平岡栄二, 藤浪瑛智, 舟越桂, 松倉茂比古, 谷中美佳子, 山口英子, 山口幹也, 山本伸之, 由木浩子, 由木礼, 瑠璃白 (五十音順、敬称略)
初日に総額の半分近くを売り上げて非常に好調な出だしでしたが、平日になると一転、一日の来場者が10人程度の日が続くなど集客に悩むこともありました。ですが会期末の連休で売り上げを伸ばすことができ、前年の約 80%ほどの義援金を集めることに成功し無事に終了しました。
Exhibition to Aid the Victims of Eastern Japan Earth-quake Disaster
This charity exhibition was held right after the Ome Art Jam exhibition in July at the Citizens’ Gallery of the museum by the artists of the Ome Art Jam. All the proceeds from this charity were used to aid schools in the disaster stricken area.
Participating artists contributed their small works for the charity.
Last year, main part of the exhibited work s were sold in early part of the exhibition and, because the sold works were removed from the exhibition immediately after they were sold, many people who wanted to see these works were disappointed.
So, this year, for the main part of the exhibited works, we sold on the condition that the purchasers come back on the last day to pick them up.
About a half of the proceeds came from the sales made on the first day. On the weekdays following the opening, attendance decreased, in some days to ten, and made us worry.
But, during the three-day holiday at the end of the exhibition, the sales increased and we were able to raise 80% of the amount we raised last year.
義援金総額 56万5100円 平成24年3月 画廊飛鳥 (奈良県) からの 義援金 13,400円を含む